New Series by Tracey Bateman

Do any of you have the books "Thirsty" and "Tandem" by Tracey Bateman in the library ??

I just finished reading Thirsty and haven't read Tandem yet.

Frankly, I don't care to put these books in the library at all.

What are your thoughts on this ?

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  • I've read both, and agree that I would not put them in my church library! Somehow I missed the fact that they were about vampires until I was about halfway through the first book; after that I started reading more carefully, and was actually quite disappointed. I read widely, and don't mind fantasy/horror elements, but I would prefer that they be well-done and compelling both artistically and spiritually! I'm not sure who these books are intended to reach: unbelievers interested in vampire fiction would probably dislike the fact that the vampire aspects are somewhat peripheral, not really the focus of the story, while I, as a Christian reader, thought that far too many questions were raised instead of answered by Bateman's treatment of the subject. As regular suspense fiction, without vampires, they might have been better. It may be that, given the popularity of vampires in today's culture, a "Christian" treatment of the subject is needed; but I don't think these are good enough to fill that niche.

    •  Sarah,

      I'm surprised about the author because she is a very good writer. It makes you wonder, what was she thinking ??  I too agree that the book was full of mystery and suspense but that was all.

      Thanks for responding to my email.



      • It is my belief that the publishers are aware of the great selling aspects of Christian books these days, and many of them are adding subsidiaries that handle Christian publishing.  Because Bateman has the writing style that her publishers have found has a market, maybe they asked her to deal with this popular subject with a Christian slant.  That could explain her evident weakness in dealing with the subject. There was a paperback several years ago by another writer under that same title, and it was dealing with a vampire's thirst.  The publishers may have gone back to that title and tried to bring it out in a more palatable style, since this actually represents a sub-culture that is demonic,and many young people are being drawn into it,  but what do they care about our young people, so long as they sell the books?  It is not a suitable choice for the church library shelves.
        • Thanks Miss Maxine for responding to my email. What you are saying makes good sense.

          Thanks again,

          Janet E.

  • Dear Janet,


    I downloaded "Thirsty" for 99 cents and thought if it was good, I would buy it for our church library.  But I didn't like the book. There was no redeeming value to it and decided that it was not a book I wanted to add to our library.  I guess if you are into vampires...this was a clean book to read, but it was not Christ-centered and was a waste of time to read.  I'm glad I didn't pay more than 99 cents for it.  I haven't read "Tandem", is it a sequel?  I have no desire to follow that series if it is.  

    I'm glad to know someone else didn't want this book in their library.  


    Debbie Lester


    • Dear Debbie,

      Thanks for answering my question. Tandem is a sequel. I feel the same way you do. There is absolutely no social, moral, or redeeming value to these books. In the first book God was only mentioned one time and that was it. I just don't feel "right" about putting them in the library. This is where a book selection policy comes in very handy.

      Janet Estridge.


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