Classifying Periodicals

I have several years of Biblical Illustrator magazine that I would like to add to our catalag.  Any suggestions on how to process these and what to use for each line of the call #?  Most are paper magazines, but some are on CD-ROM.  Thanks. 

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  • First, let me say that I am not the expert on this, but we do have some of the CD issues cataloged. Here is what we did with those:




    BIP 04-3


    Biblical Illustrator Plus: Patmos the place  Nashville, TN : LifeWay, c2004.

    (Biblical Illustrator Plus: Fall 2004)


    A companion CD-ROM to the magazine Biblical Illustrator that provides content identical to the magazine plus quick access to more than 200 pages of study material and much more.






    BCD indicates Book on Compact Disc (we shelved these with the other BCD items) BIP 04-3 indicates Biblical Illustrator Plus, 2004, vol 3.


    We have not cataloged the periodicals, but I would like to have them in the catalog and here are some of my thoughts. First, will the issues be circulated -- taken out of the library and out of the building?  I have reservations about that because we have lost a few issues, which cannot be replaced. Will they be available for people to look through or do you need information about the contents of each issue in the catalog? We have almost every issue published, so entering each would be quite a job!  We may create an entry with the title and general information about the periodical and where to find the index to all issues. Since we have almost all issues, we might just make a note of the ones we do not have, instead of listing those we do have. If we do not circulate, we would use Ref as top line in call number and 220.9 as 2nd line, Bib (indicating 1st three letters of title).  If they are circulated, indicate on top line where they are shelved, if in a special place (Per if with periodicals).

    In each issue is an index to past issues, so we could make a copy of those pages and place in a notebook for reference to back issues.

    Wow, thanks for helping me think this through! I hope it makes sense to you. I would love to see ideas from others as well.  We may try to get this done -- after Christmas, of course!

    • Sandra, Thanks for taking time to work on this question and give a detailed answer.  I may have to put it off until after Christmas as well!  I would like to be able to circulate the periodicals, so guess I would need to make separate entries for each one.

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