Let's talk Book Clubs and Reading Groups
On October 21, 2023 while we are together in Richmond, we are going to share our experiences and ideas about book clubs. I thought it would be fun to continue to share our stories beyond the conference. So I am setting up a forum for our conversations going forward about our book clubs and reading groups so that I can put the link in our handout. Can't wait to be with all of you on Zoom. Surely do wish I could be with you in person! Morlee
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Amen, sister!
I am on fire to use some of what I learned at the last VCLA conference!
My Brain Is Full: Back to Back Conventions
From Friday Nov. 9th through Wednesday Nov. 14th, I had the pleasure and the duty to attend the Virginia Church Library Association’s Fall Conference and 60th year celebration, followed by hosting a booth for VCLA at the Baptist General Assembly of Virginia. Both were in the Richmond area. I was able to attend classes at the first and 2 breakout sessions of the latter.
I got the theme as follows: that churches, and their libraries, are breaking down walls and getting out of our buildings and comfort zones to reach new disciples for Christ. This is quite a challenge to most of us, but the model we’ve been using is simply not working anymore.
This has all been done before, of course. Jesus did it. Paul did it. You have to take your message to where people are; you can’t just make an attractive place and then wait for people to come.
The model must be the First Century Church. The body of believers supports the active sending and support of brothers to go out on mission. The supporters serve to make this happen with fundraising and prayer. But we have another opportunity here, using 21st Century methods. There are new and creative ways to use modern technology in these efforts. The obvious ones are social media and ebooks.
Focusing on the library or media center of the church, it is obvious that libraries and literacy go together. The Southern Baptist Literacy Ministry is one that I will be investigating and reporting to you about. I am looking for training and learning ways to get out there to help teach. Sanford Elementary School right across from our church will be my first venue. We have been active there with Good News Club and Backpack Ministries for years now. I’m genuinely ashamed I didn’t think about literacy needs.
The new trend in church libraries is essentially new branding: the library as a “sending center,” equipping church members to evangelize and otherwise love on our community. This is not new either, but I visualize our library as a combination study hall, cheering squad and refueling center. And I want to create a jumping off place for ministries such as Bless Every Home, literacy outreach and brainstorm center. Once we create disciples, we support them with study materials, recreational Christian reading and the like, both in the library and outside our walls.
In the next few years, I plan to create satellite libraries in the community. This might take the shape of a Little Library on our corner that anyone might borrow from; taking the church van out as a Bookmobile to retirement homes, hospitals, the jail and our own shut-ins; help start a group to read and tutor at Sanford Elementary [to start with]; teach our church to use ebooks and ipads to access more learning and sharing the Gospel.
Can I get an AMEN?
We had a great 60th Anniversary Celebration and Fall Conference this past weekend. We had around 75 people representing over 40 churches in VA, NC, DC, MD, GA and TN. Check out the VCLA Facebook page for pics from the weekend.
Reminder that tomorrow, October 29 is the last day to register for the fall conference and guarantee meals. If you are planning on coming and haven't gotten your registration and payment mailed, please email Lsmith5471@aol.com.
Early Registration for the Fall Conference has ended.
Registration Fee is now $65 VCLA Members & $85 Non-Members. Fee includes registration, catered banquet dinner and catered lunch. Saturday only fee $50 VCLA Members & $60 Non-Members. Fee includes registration and catered lunch.
The 60th Anniversary & Fall Conference, Libraries: Diamonds In Our Midst, is a little over a month away at Monument Heights Baptist Church, Richmond, VA. We are really excited to be having people coming from 5 states to attend the conference. We also have many new conference attendees coming that have never been to one of our VCLA conferences. Don't miss out on this great learning and fellowship opportunity. We will need to know by Monday, October 29 if you are planning on coming and eating meals. Walk-ins will be welcomed both days but will not be guaranteed a meal. Please contact Lee Smith, VCLA Director, (804) 306-3862 and leave a message or email Lsmith5471@aol.com.
Conference information and registration can be found at www.vacla.org/newsletters/
Reminder that the deadline to apply for a VCLA Fall Conference Scholarship is next Saturday, September 15. The scholarships are for first-time conference attendees to introduce them to everything VCLA has to offer.
The scholarship application can be found on our website under the newsletters tab. http://www.vacla.org/newsletters/
VCLA 60th Anniversary Celebration
& Fall Conference
Libraries - Diamonds In Our Midst
Conference Leaders
Morlee Maynard -
LifeWay Church Library Ministry Specialist
Carolyn Walker -
LifeWay Church Library Ministry Specialist
Allison Maynard -
Book Systems, Inc.
Classes and Additional Information
For detailed conference, registration and scholarship information, check out our website www.vacla.org, newsletters tab, or Facebook- VCLA/Virginia Church Library Association for updates.
Deadline for Scholarship Applications is September 15.
Deadline for Early Registration Fee is September 30.
We had a great spring conference here in Lynchburg, VA this past weekend. Morlee Maynard and Carolyn Walker from LifeWay and Allison Maynard from Book Systems along with some of our own members did a great job leading the conference. We learned all about Disciple Making Centers and how to take that back to our own libraries to put it into action both personally and within the ministries of the church.
We had 42 people to attend, representing 30 churches but we also out of those numbers had 11 new people who have never attended a library conference before. We had people not only from VA but NC, PA, OH, TN and GA. It was great to see such excitement about church library work and all the new friendships that were being made.
If you weren't there you truly missed a great conference and weekend of learning. Mark your calendars for the Fall Conference, November 9 &10, 2018, Libraries: Diamonds in our Midst. in Richmond, VA. Information is under the events tab as well as our website www.vacla.org and our Facebook page Virginia Church Library Association.
We have received your membership and payment, so you are a VCLA member. We welcome you as new member and so glad you found both us and this website. Looking forward to meeting you and your wife at the spring conference. Once you find a photo you would like to use of yourself, just go to your profile on here and upload the photo.