Let's talk Book Clubs and Reading Groups
On October 21, 2023 while we are together in Richmond, we are going to share our experiences and ideas about book clubs. I thought it would be fun to continue to share our stories beyond the conference. So I am setting up a forum for our conversations going forward about our book clubs and reading groups so that I can put the link in our handout. Can't wait to be with all of you on Zoom. Surely do wish I could be with you in person! Morlee
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I hope and pray that we will have a huge showing! At your fall meeting at Temple Baptist Church, Newport News, please be sure to make the announcement and be sure Fred Walls, our pres. gets the word out! I have been asked to tell Esther again! and to do a mini-workshop! This is a Big Event! Our first one in several years! Let's all support Morlee in this effort, for she has kept us afloat with help from the Board, and all the great people who have devoted themselves to keeping church library work where it belongs in the scheme of things! We are giving all the praise to the Lord, first of all, then to all of these who have their spiritual ears attuned to His Spirit and then act in obedience to his Word. We know that He tells us to study to show ourselves approved unto God;workmen who do not need to be embarrassed. He tells us also that if we lack wisdom we can ask and He will give freely and does not scold us for asking! I will not give the quotes for you all know these verses--the main thing is to lisen and obey! It is a great fellowship that we have in the library network. I want to be going crazy with all the big Virginia hugs I'll be getting at R.C.!!!I will be 92 if God allows this venture with Him! I wouldn't even think of planning such a thing without knowing for sure that it is His will that I walk out in faith and serve Him as long as I draw a breath! Love to each and greetings in the name of Jesus to all in attendance at the fall meeting there Oct. 15th. I notice you have a great roster of instructors and fantastic workshops lined up! Wow! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Mackie