To promote church libraries within UM congregations, inspire effective standards in church library ministries, advance inter-library and inter-denominational cooperation and dialogue.
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  • What new books are you adding to your collections this Fall??  I am going to order a couple UMW books and have added to our "Quilts of Love" collection.  What ideas do you have for Spiritual growth and for  the pre teen reader? 

  • I know this is a late notice, but there is a church library workshop in Chattanooga, TN, this Saturday, Sept. 10. There are sessions on book repair, library administration, Atriuum and Concourse training, and much more. It is not too late to register.

    The workshops are also going to be offered on Oct. 8 at Woodmont Baptist Church in Nashville, TN; Oct. 22 at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN; and Oct. 29 at Central Baptist Bearden in Knoxville, TN. All church, school, and public libraries are welcome to attend. You can find registration information on the Church Librarians Network home page. It is well worth your time. 

  • Hi!  Has anyone ever done up a formal proposal for revamping a languishing church library, or something similar?  Thanks in advance! :)

  • I am librarian at Riverchase UMC in Hoover, AL .  I am looking for promotion, bulletin board and display ideas. 

  • Hello, does anyone use reading lists for purchase suggestions?
  • Hello, fellow UMC librarians - what are your doing in your churches? Any ideas on ways to best insert and link the library to the life od the community? Do you have recommended book lists to share? Etc.

  • I was glancing through a book in the library that detailed some of the elements of the 1939 union of M.E. North, M.E. South, and the Methodist Protestant Church.  They were points the Oklahoma Conference viewed as agreement points and strategic goals.  One of them was the goal of good art and literature in every home.  I thought was still a pretty good idea and I look forward to helping expand that to include ways to enhance the literacy and life of not just the church but its community.

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UMC Library consortium?

Is there a UMC library consortium?  Either nationally or regional/city?  I am in Dallas, have a small library (5000 or so titles), still on physical paper cards for borrowers, though keep my database in Bookcat (which is now defunct and not supported).  I have no budget, but need to get everything automated so patrons can at least search items online. Right now is honor system for circulation.  If I can get a decent, inexpensive system, I will propose a budget line item. I have reviewed a…

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