
  • I realize I'm rather late to this conversation, but I'd recommend, really cost-effective cataloging/circulation for small libraries. $5 a month currently. - Organzing your books/movies/music/video games
    Our library management app caters exclusively to home and private libraries. We also have an amazing app for iOS and Android..
  • $425 dollars is more than I get to work with for a year.  I use Delicious Library 2 (for Mac only) $25 LOL  

  • No, we use Concourse.  I've never heard of Library World Software.  Just reading the replies, it sounds interesting, but we are very limited on our budget.  For now we'll stick with what we have.  But I may check into it just for the fun of it.  Thanks!

  • I tried it for one year and had other people using it. I liked it for the price and had told Morlee about it. I was just checking to see if anybody else was using it. Thanks for the information. Looking to put it into another library with a smaller church.

  • Be sure to check out their Facebook Page at:

    They do a pretty decent job of posting tips and info about updates, new features, and downtimes. I also recommend checking the posts from LibraryWorld customers in the activity feed in the right sidebar. 

    LibraryWorld, San Jose, CA. 3.7K likes. Whether you're managing a school, public, academic or special collection, LibraryWorld has the power and ease…
  • We've been using it on a trial basis for almost a month now.

    Were there some specific questions you had concerning it?

    We haven't signed up yet because doing so needs to be approved by our church leadership, but we've spent a great deal of time playing with it and looking up other sites that use it. They can be hard to find.

    The biggest benefit of LibraryWorld is the web based OPAC which can be used not only via a computer but also devices like iPads and smart phones. It's really basic, so we looked into other applications which are more powerful (Surpass, OPAL, Resource Mate, etc.), but they are too expensive for us. LibraryWorld as of April 2013 is $425 per year, and they have offered us a 10% discount for more than a year if we sign up.

    Their opening page is limited to what you can do graphic wise. You can have one picture and some text below. The text needs to be input in html and can obviously include links. (The logo on our page at the bottom is actually done in html). I also wish we could enlarge the item images, but it is great that most were automatically pulled in when we uploaded our Marc records from Follett. None of the records had images before. Adding or changing item images is also fairly easy, and LibraryWorld has a number of sources to pull in Marc Records from (LOC, OhioLink, and seven more not including other LibraryWorld catalogs).

    The patron records are a little more tricky because you need to import them in a comma deliminated file. Instead, for now, we created test patrons and that has worked well, though I wish the LibraryWorld clipboard would allow patrons to request an item from it.

    It also has several reports but there are only a few you can actually customize.

    There are some little tweeks like suppressing which Marc records will be shown to a patron, and there is also options for searching and replacing info in the catalog, globally are on a given set of records.

    LibraryWorld isn't fancy looking but it seems to work well, and the fact that you don't need to download or maintain any software is a great benefit.

    You can view are test site at and then type in the Library Name "CLCC Library" with no password. If you have any specific questions, let us know.

    Welcome to OPAC | V1.0
    • Oh my!  I'm in love!  that test site is amazing!  That would be so wonderful for our Media Center.  I'm going to have to do some more research on this.  Thanks for the info!

  • It's in the top running of ILS solutions I am considering for our library.

    The price is good, and I love that it is a software as a solution product instead of a solution that has to be locally installed and then also maintained on a separate server. I also like that Z39.50 catalog lookups and visual book jacket artwork are included in that base (sole) price.

    I'm playing around with a trial set-up right now. I'd like to be able to manage the links in the site-wide navigation menu (I think the 3 different search options will be confusing to our patrons; I'd lik to keep just Basic and Advanced). I like that the home page news/text area supports adding embeddable content like Goodreads widgets for recommended reading lists, and that works (I played with that today). 

    I'd really like to be able to customize the styling on the online catalog a bit, but what can one expect for that price.

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