Be the first to post that you are looking for additions to your church's library collection or post that you have duplicates to send someone. Here are the steps to add a new post:
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen in the middle that is now on the top right of the page.
Instead of posting your email address or phone number in your reply, send your post with the name you use on the Church Librarians Network so that people can contact you through the Church Librarians Network email system.
If you have duplicates to send someone, send that person an email through the Church Librarians Network. Follow these steps:
- At the top of the CLN MAIN page, you will see your name to the right on a bar above the CLN Banner. To the left of your name is a link to invite people to join the CLN and to the left of that link is an envelope which links to your messages.
- Click on the envelope. In the drop box, click on the red plus box.
- Follow the prompts to write an email. It will give you a choice of members to send your email.
- When you get a response, you will see a number in red on this envelope telling you how many messages you have waiting for you.
If you need help, email
Let the connections begin!