Posted by Kim Garrett on November 23, 2010 at 8:44
We are new librarians and are in the process of labeling all our collection with barcodes and spin labels. We're using Avery address labels which are working fine. The problem is mostly with children's hardbacks. The clear adhesive that covers the white label is not sticking well on the spine. We're using vinyl adhesive stickers made for this purpose.
Do you have a brand or type that you recommend? Or even a method of applying them?
Thanks!! Kim
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If it's a problem with the book binding material, you might try using a bit of sandpaper (or an emery board) very gently to rough up the cover material directly under where the label will be. Try it on an older book of the same material and see if that helps. You might also try using spine labels that have the metalic-like backing - that adhesive seems to bond better. Or get a supply of spine label covers that are much wider and higher than the spine label so there is more bonding surface. Also order a librarian's bone tool - and use it to gently rub the label and assist the bonding process. Be sure to go down into the gutters (groove between the spine and cover) and work out all the air bubbles. You might want to then set the books aside and check them daily for a week to be sure the labels are bonded before circulating.
We just had a Demco rep teach us some book repair methods and she said that Norbond (a library glue which dries clear) can be used to glue a paper label on and then using a brush, brush over the label (the entire label and onto the book) to seal it to the spine - this was how they did it before clear covers were around. Try it on an old one and see if you like the results.
We purchase most of our supplies from Highsmith ( including Spine Label Protectors, Item # H16160. We use these for both the barcode labels and the spine labels. The primary supplies we obtain from our software vendor, Concourse, are the barcode labels and the SL4 Spine & Pocket labels. Highsmith has a similar item, but we were unable to get the alignment to work.
We just had a Demco rep teach us some book repair methods and she said that Norbond (a library glue which dries clear) can be used to glue a paper label on and then using a brush, brush over the label (the entire label and onto the book) to seal it to the spine - this was how they did it before clear covers were around. Try it on an old one and see if you like the results.
We are using a different brand but is is also a vinyl label protector. We may try this brand.
On children's hardbacks do you press the protector into the groove around the spine? Do you know what I mean?