Amy Burke needs suggestions for Christian fiction and Christian Graphic Novels for young adult/teens. In order to minister to all age groups, I am trying different things. I decided to create a Teen Satellite Library in our Youth Center. The Youth Minister is extremely excited about this venture. I just took over the Church Library in February 2023, after it had been closed during Covid. Our young adult section is lacking, geared more toward middle schoolers than high school. I would like some suggestions of some teen Christian authors and titles for books and graphic novels that you have in your libraries or of which you are aware. I am a retired high school English teacher, so I am attuned to all genres but wanted to know what you recommend for Christian Teen Fiction.
Thank you!
Amy Burke
Here are some of the most popular Christian fiction and graphic novels we've found for teens/young adults:
The Homelanders series by Andrew Klavan
Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
Out of Time series by Nadine Brandes
Fairy Tale Romance Collection by Melanie Dickerson
Catie Conrad series by Angie Spady
Tomo (8 book series for pre-teens)
Prince Warriors series by Priscilla Shirer (for pre-teens)
I try to keep our young adult section well stocked, and there are a few authors and series that fly off the shelves!
Chuck Black- He has a few different series, Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Robin Jones Gunn- I saw this mentioned before on this thread but I LOVE her. I've read her stuff since I was in high school and will always recommend her
Jenny Cote- She does Biblical Fiction and has quite a few books out, including one that just came out recently
Mike Nawrocki (Co-creator of Veggietales) wrote a series called the Dead Sea Squirrels (hilarious and a lighter read for middle school or even late elementary)
Imagination Station- Linked to Adventures in Odyssey, historical adventures. The series is very similar to Magic Treehouse
The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson- This was redone recently and features beautiful artwork
Karen Kingsbury also has a young adult series based on the Baxter family
Of course, the Lord of the Rings series is a classic
Also previously mentioned, Melanie Dickerson's young adult books are really popular in our library. But I haven't had the time to personally read them. I've been told they are good by students and parents.
Melody Calrson has a lot of teen girl fiction books
Ted Dekker has a lot of mystery/suspense young adult books as well
I know how important this section can be, getting teenagers to read is huge. I'll be following for graphic novel suggestions, that is something I've always had difficulty finding.
Enclave publishes many books geared towards YA. They are generally fantasy/sci-fi kinds of books. Some of them are among my absolute favorites in our library. I especially love Nadine Brandes, Morgan Busse, Sharon Hinck, R.J. Anderson, Sara Ella, Lindsay Franklin, W.A. Fulkerson (his book For Whom the Sun Sings is one of the best faith-based books I've read in years), Sandra Fernandez Rhoads. I do suggest looking at their Amazon page as well as their listings on the Enclave website, because many of them have published books with other publishers as well. For example, my favorite Nadine Brandes book is Fawkes and it is not listed on the Enclave site.
Hi Everyone,
I attached pictures of The Teen Satellite Library I just created yesterday in the Teen Center of our church. Thank you all for your suggestions to add to the collection. Keep 'em coming any time you come across a great Christian Teen Read.

Hi Amy!
I love your shelf and have been looking for something similar without spending the whole budget. Where did you get it?
Thanks for sharing!
Nice, Amy.
Hi everyone, I saw this thread and wanted to comment. Right now, 11 of my Christian thrillers are ranking in the top 15 best sellers on Amazon for "Teen and Young Adult Religious Fiction Mysteries and Thrillers." Teens, many who don't read much, enjoy my novels. They are all available on Ingramspark. I will attach a link showing those bestseller rankings on Amazon. Thanks for your consideration and have a wonderful week.
My website is:
I have read "I Am in Here" and have it on our Teen Bookshelf. I even wrote a review for it so kids and parents will know what it is about. I am planning on reading more of your books! I have attached the review here.Reader Review I Am In Here.docx
Amy, thank you for that great review for I AM IN HERE. I really appreciate you sharing it with me and here on the website. Love to hear by books are being read by teens far and wide. Blessings, friend.
Our youth minister's wife recommended Robin Jones Gunn's books. These are timeless. Our teen and young adult girls love these books.Click here for our OPAC list of the books we have by Gunn. Our women are reading them too. Some of our teens and their mothers are reading them together.