Teen Fiction Books?

Jenni Harvey posts this request:

Teen fiction and nonfiction anything for teens really.  My library has a couple devotonals and a few 70-90 nonfiction that seems good for now so I have something. Only regular kid is mine who is 5 so I want to work on anything teen and kid and family.  Kids I got but teens iffy. 

My only firm must have are 4 controversal teen fiction that I found and read and want to share with all of you. Don't know your church's view on homosexuality but we are lutheran and accept homosexual clergy.  So I say teen fiction that addresses homeosexuality in a clear makes you think way is a must have. So my list is Alex Sanchez Rainbow Boys, Rainbow High, and Rainbow Road are about 3 homosexual high school senior boys. One coming to terms with one barely accepting but is, and one flaming gay.  Really helps readers be aware of  this issue. I have seen that he has written another book different setting that addresses spirituality and homosexuality.  My church at least had a study and decided Jesus hung out with people that were obviously unnacceptable but he did not hang out with homosexuals so is that really a problem?  Just shariing my thoughts and asking for ideas to expand my library in an all inclusive way. Teens are hard.

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  • For teen books, I'd recommend you look at Enclave Publishing (enclavepublishing.com).  They publish mostly speculative fiction of various kinds - sci fi, fantasy, steampunk, and others).  A lot of their books are for young adults.  While not all are necesarily my taste, I have been impressed with many books I've read from them and some have become favorites of mine.  I especially love Nadine Brandes, Morgan Busse, RJ Andersen.

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