
  • Debbie: Too late for this summer, but you might keep in mind for next year. We try to have an easy to run summer reading program. This year we ordered materials from Upstart on the theme, "Read 'S'more Books." We decorated the window copying their poster of the animals around a campfire. It turned out precious! We have quite a collection of animals that we get for pennies at our local thrift store. The children signed up, were given the forms from Upstart to document their readings. When they registered I put a glitter star with their names in the nighttime backdrop of our display. At the completion of the program, the children received treat bags with their certificate, stickers, star, and a Lil' Debbie S'More. ( I put an allergy warning sticker on each one, just in case) Everyone who registered got awards. The older children had a list of books to take to their new teacher when school begins. Also, don't forget to take pictures for newsletters. When I learn how, I will post some pictures.


    • Thanks, this is a big help. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  • I am conducting a reading contest for children ages 10-19 this summer. I am calling it 'Read/Review/Registered!' For every book the kids read and review [I make up my own small review sheets], the children will be registered in a drawing to win $20. The contest runs from July 1st to August 15th.

  • Select a theme that you can build on.  I order my promotion materials from Upstart ( or call 1-800-448-4887 for ideas.  Lots of themes to pick from, I usually create my own flyer based on the theme.  Lots of great posters too to promote reading and the kids LOVE the Scratch & Sniff bookmarks.  Or simply use the theme of VeggieTales.  They have ideas on Demco Website, I believe.


    Plan ahead to get the word out.  I have my reading program starting in September to coincide with the start up of Sunday School and it runs through the SS year.  Kids can keep doing the "read ten books" throughout the year . Have fun! 

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