Hi everyone,
About me
I am new to this group. I have 40+ years library technician experience in an academic library (retired spring 2017)and 40 yrs as a solo church librarian in another congregation. Three years ago, my family changed parishes.
My Parish family
Our current parish has approx 125 members, 50% demographic mostly > 70. Weekly attendance approx 40 people. Our church rents to another congregation. Unfortunately after every worship service, we have to secure everything including putting partitions in front of the library. (Not inviting to our parishioners but this is what we have to do).
Our Parish Library
The library footprint is small (5 new IKEA 32"w x 72"h bookcases) plus one revolving 24" w x 60" h DVD tower. Last year I set up a new library (approx 1000 items) in my new church home. The collection is fully catalogued (DD + subject headings). Items are fully labelled, call # etc. I manage the collection in a library database at home. We don't have a computer in the church library. No sign out cards. Items are signed out manually using a book log and checked off when they are returned.
Storage space @ a premium, maximized and shared. The physical DVD's will be stored in a locked multi media storage cupboard in a small mtg room. Much the same as a rental store empty (dummy) DVD clam shell boxes will be housed on the revolving DVD tower with the library collection. Yep we will have to go to the mtg room to retrieve the physical DVD.
Q : What is the best way to maximize my storage space and store the physical DVD's ?
1) in thin labelled DVD cases ?
2) labelled paper envelopes ?
Q: How to package the DVD when they circulate?
1) storage DVD case ?
2) Empty dummy DVD case from tower?
Upon return unless it is a Sunday, the physical DVD's will have to be returned to the church office.
I have approx 40 DVD's catalogued and I only want to process them once, so some outside advice would be much appreciated.
BTW - We do not have a Church Library Association in the area. I try to keep up my membership with a provincial group.
Thank you kindly in advance for your suggestion.
In Christian service
Deborah Holme
London, ON Canada