Setting up a Wish List with a book vendor

I'd like to set up a Wish List with a book vendor and was wondering how many of you have done this? I read the recent post about linking it to the church's Facebook site, which sounds like a great idea, along with somehow making a link from our church website, which the tech guy says we can do. Please share your experiences, successes and challenges.


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  • Here's an idea for Christmas - Decorate a Christmas tree with star-shaped paper ornaments that each have a book's name on them. Ask patrons to pick a star and buy a book. If they are looking for a particular book remind them that they can buy a book that's not on the wishlist, too.

    I've made a wishlist on Amazon for myself, mostly so I'll remember what I wanted to buy when I'm looking for something extra to get free shipping.  I hadn't thought of doing it for the library. Great idea.

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