Which of the following are you finding is most important and least important in purchasing for your patrons?
And what kind of proportions are you using in these areas?
- material type (book v. audio v. video v. digital items)
- genre (fiction v. nonfiction, movie v. instructional video)
- topic (Bible study, general Christian growth, equipping for specific ministry, marriage/family helps, counseling issues, biography, hot topics in theology, etc.)
We have less money and less space for adding new purchased items, so we are looking at getting more particular in what we add to our collection.
Any feedback you can give would be wonderful. Thank you!
Deanna King
Santa Clarita, CA
I suggest that your Reference area is the most needed by patrons. Along with this would be books related to your specific denomination. Our greatest users are with the Christian Fiction - ladies like these best. There are many, many books currently on Amish stories. No offense, but please don't over stock your shelves with these. They are high quality stories, but you need to remember to have a balance. Also keep in mind the men that read fiction. Two titles for men could be ROOMS and I just read The TOUCH. Need more ideas, let me know, Peace