That is pretty neat doing the pop-up of the book picture. If you were unable to find a picture in a catalog - - you could scan it and print a small picture - - - - or create the card with the picture printed on it. I like that idea, Eva Nell.
This is what we write to our honoree family. You can adjust it as needed. We send something similar to the donors, too to thank them for their gift.
"The First Baptist Library ministry has receive a donation from (put donor's name). This gift was presented to us in memory of (or honor of) your father (mother, etc.), PUT FATHER's NAME HERE.
With this contribution, we selected # items. The first is entitled BOOK NAME HERE. The book cover states, AND WE GIVE A BRIEF SYNOPSIS FROM THE COVER.
Then list additional books.
We are happy to add this material to our collection. It will help the spiritual growth of our community. Only eternity will reveal how many lives this contribution will affect."
If for some reason, they give us duplicate materials, we state that and tell which ministry might receive the duplicate.
One thing we have found out is contributions began to increase when we sent a letter rather than just a donation-type statement.
"The First Baptist Library ministry has receive a donation from (put donor's name). This gift was presented to us in memory of (or honor of) your father (mother, etc.), PUT FATHER's NAME HERE.
With this contribution, we selected # items. The first is entitled BOOK NAME HERE. The book cover states, AND WE GIVE A BRIEF SYNOPSIS FROM THE COVER.
Then list additional books.
We are happy to add this material to our collection. It will help the spiritual growth of our community. Only eternity will reveal how many lives this contribution will affect."
If for some reason, they give us duplicate materials, we state that and tell which ministry might receive the duplicate.
One thing we have found out is contributions began to increase when we sent a letter rather than just a donation-type statement.