
  • We did a contest for most pages read. It was so much fun. The children really got into it and they kept good records which were easy for us to varify. Books had to be checked out from our library and for extra credit they could write a report on the book. The world is competitive and we need to acquaint our children that to be the best, they have to work. Good competition is good. We want to "run the race" well. Do all things well in honor of our Savior. The world makes competition.

    Rita Kirkland
  • If you go to the main page and "view all" on the Questions and Answers - - - then go to page 5, you will find quite a few responses under Summer Reading Programs started by Michelle Bond. The last response was on May 17 so look for that date and you will probably get some helpful hints. Praise God you are trying to develop reading interests with students. In our experience, we prefer not to have a contest where they compete with each other but rather there are goals anyone can achieve but you may have had that in mind already.
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