Printing Shelf List

I've printed shelf lists before but have forgotten how to do it.

I'm trying to print

235 HAI


248.34 GIR

If you can help me with this, I'm sure I can do the rest of the library the same way.

We use the Concourse Program.



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  • Thanks again for all of your much needed help with this problem. I was able to print out the shelf list for the numbers I mentioned. Now, back to doing inventory.

  • I wish there was a way to make it easier without all this, greater than, equal to, matches, less than, same as, etc.

    I wonder if anyone has approached Concourse about this?

    Thanks again for all of your help. 

  • Try     Call number      greater or equal to    235 HAI


             Call number       less than or equal to 248.34 GIR

  • Log in to the Concourse program and choose "Reports."

    Choose "Shelf List"

    A message will appear which asks if you want to "specify a filter."  Answer yes.

    Your filter will read:

    Call number Line 1           greater than or equal to               235


    Call number Line 1           less than or equal to                      248.34

    Choose "OK"  and your report will be generated.

    I tried adding the other filters for Line 2 and it did not generate the report, but may be because we don't have those particular 2nd lines.  I'm not sure about that, but I do think this will give you the information that you need.


    • Welcome to boolean logic.

      Note that adding additional "and" with line 2 requires each added statements to be met. (ands reduces selection, ors add to the selection)  So with  greater & =  HGI   combined with Less &= GIR no items would meet this unless line 2 was blank.

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