PC Card Catalog Question - writing off books

Hi all.

For those of you that use PC Card Catalog, what do you normally do to write off books?  Is it as simple as deleting the records? Or do you somehow "archive" or remove the book from circulation?

I have taken over our library after 3+ years of neglect.  We have over 100 books that are gone without explanation and the powers that be have decided it isn't worth the time to try to recover them (which I completely agree with)!

Thanks for your help.

Sharln Chapman

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  • We do not use PC Card Catalog, but we generate a list of the items we are going to remove before deleting them.  We "move" them to a location called "Removed" and then generate the list.  If you cannot do that, perhaps you can put the notation "removed" into some other field in order to generate your list.  I just like to have a record of the items we have deleted.

    Do you have a method of letting people know that a lot of items from the library are missing -- to please check their bookshelves because if they are not found, the items will be removed from the system?  Maybe it would just jog someone's memory that they might have something from the library!

    • Sandra,

      Thanks for your reply.  Since asking my question I've talked with Glen at Library Concepts and figured out my writing off problem.

      I have sent out reminders about overdue/missing books.  I'm excited to see if any books come back.  What amazes me is some of the people who have the long overdue books!!


      • Great!  I'm glad you talked with Glenn and got the help you needed.  Even though we don't use his software, we are still friends! :)

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