Patron/Customer Service

One of the North Alabama conference sessions on November 5 is focused on customer service. Why wait until November 5? The way we treat people who use church libraries kinda falls in the circluation category of all that we do. Let's use the following list of customer service considerations as  discussion starters.

  1. Overdue and past due notices
  2. Team attitude
  3. Neat and orderly desk
  4. Circulation area in the best location for checking in and out
  5. Every effort to put customer/patron first.

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  • Once again I had a customer ask me yesterday "where are we supposed to return books". He is not the only one that asks about location. We have 4 places which I explained. Three of the locations do not have a sign. One location is a return cabinet sitting beside the entrance which has a sign below the "hole" in the glass in front of the cabinet in the hallway. He does not see it because it is at the eye level of children in the hallway. I guess I need to give in and place signs at the other 3 locations. 

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