
  • Second time; lost the first rendition. This might be shorter.

    Many reference books are not necessarily out of date. Some which read as "editions" are not, but rather non-duplicate "volumes" which shouldn't be replaced. I don't know if this might be so with concordances or other works.

    Some such resources, just like indexes, use different ways to search. It seems it would be more appropriate to ask which are more useful.

    One of the great references, "Reader's Advisor" by R. R. Bowker seems to have been discontinued with the 14th edition. It includes all sorts of useful articles about all the sub, and sub/sub topics of the books presented. This is not so, as far as I can tell, with the replacement by ALA on the Internet. This could be true of the Theosophical dictionaries as well.

    Depending on one's budget you might not be able to replace, but books stores often have non-returnable editions when a new one comes out and would donate. See my article here: Over the years there has been 311 free downloads of this item.

    When working with the Northwest Graduate School of Ministry, I made up a listing of resources. This has not been updated, so there are likely dead links, but might help someone to find what they need.

    Biz of Acq -- Developing Book Donation Resources
    By Paul T. Jackson, Published on 09/01/92
  • Please share your guidelines.I have pulled everything off my shelves prior to 1980. That includes convention notes also.

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