For many of our church or synagogue families, the Finance Committee has started the process to prepare the budget for the next year. Of course, many other churches start their budget process during other months. Let’s discuss best practices for preparing the church budget request for the library this year. What is your wisdom from experience or your questions about the annual budget? Some of our members do not have access to their church’s budgeting process. Any wisdom for them?

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  • Budget line items that were in place when I took over the library in 2022:


    New Media
    Supplies (labels, book bins, book glue & tape, checkout cards & pockets, contact paper, laminating film, etc)
    Newsletters (printing)
    Magazine Subscriptions/Renewals
    Copies (QR code labels)


    Line Items used on most recent budget submission:


    New Media
    Supplies (labels, book bins, book glue & tape, checkout cards & pockets, contact paper, laminating film, etc)
    Newsletters/Bookmarks (printing) & Copies (QR Code Labels)
    Magazine Subscriptions/Renewals
    Volunteer Recognition/Appreciation


    There had been a line item for travel to conferences/training but it was removed just prior to my taking over the position because the previous person was in her 70s and didn't anticipate being able to travel. I'm sure if there was somewhere I desired/needed to go, I could request it be added back. The annual renewal fee for the circulation program we use is rather nominal and is paid for by the technology department's budget.


  • This is from the Virginia Library Association:


    Books, magazine subscriptions, pamphlets, etc.


    DVDs, CDs, computer software on CD-ROM, etc.


    Labels, cards, pockets, tape, etc. (Some of these items aren't needed if you use library software for checking out media.)

    If you use library software, you may need barcodes and spine/pocket labels, or other processing supplies.


    Poster boards, markers, artwork, stencils, etc. 

    I would add bookmarks here.


    Funds to attend state and regional training sessions


    Desk, lamps, shelves, computer, printer, etc.

    You might want to budget for replacements in case of equipment failure.  Also, the printer will need supplies.

    • Thank you. Your comprehensive reply answers many of my questions. Still, I have a question.  Do magazine subscriptions fall under allocations?

      • William, I would say that all of this is under allocations because allocating is the process of distributing something.  RR

        • I meant Acquisitions, sorry

          • Acquisitions is the process of selecting, ordering, and receiving materials for library or archival collections.  So anything that you purchase to catalog and put in the collection would be an acquisition. RR

  • This forum is of particular interest to me.  I am currently working on reopening my church's library. One of the tasks ahead of me is submitting a budget.  I know of three potential line items: Allocations, Library Supplies, and software.  Are there other categories that I am missing?

    • That sounds like a good start. Our library has a line item for ministry. Some things this covers are bookmarks, paper crafts, and reading cards for mission trips. We read to the Kindergarten students, so we buy them a graduation gift every year. These are things that we have added over the years. It may be good to include it the first year just to remind the budget committee that the library can become more than just books.

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