Recently, my brother-in-law found the Cradle Roll letter sent to his parents when he was born. Does your church’s library team connect with parents of new babies in some way?
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We put a new book in the library in honor of each new baby. We also put a plaque in the front of it with their name on it. We put the book on display. The children love finding "their book" on the shelf as they they get older.
Our church gives Bibles for the baby dedications so we are thinking of possibly giving a small devotional book for children. Sally Lloyd Jones is a favorite author so we will look into something she has written. Do you have a particular suggestion for a book?
One idea is to place a book in the library in honor of each baby born. Send a congratulatory letter to the family informing them about the book and allowing them to be the first to check it out. Include information about the what the library has to offer for children and parents and the importance of reading to children.
Back in the 40s through 80s, churches had a ministry called Cradle Roll. It was a ministry to expectant parents. They developed relationships with these parents before and after their babies were born. The Sunday School Board (now Lifeway) even had a full-time consultant for Cradle Roll with publications to give them ministry ideas. They visited in homes on a regular basis etc. The baby department was connected to Cradle Roll but not the same group of leaders/teachers. During the 80s churches changed so Cradle Roll slowly went away. Some churches may still have it. Perhaps there is a twist to this approach that a church library could support this ministry with a church's preschool ministry. Great way to inspire today's parents to read books to their babies.
Our library gives each child a little 4×6" Bible with their name printed on the outside. Boys get light blue and girls get pink with gold printing. They Bibles are kept in the cradle roll classemroom snd we use them when we sing songs to teach about the Bible. This Bible is given to the parents when the child turns 2 and graduates out of Cradle Roll.
So your church conbined the Cradle Roll with the Baby Department. A lot of churches have done that which is a great approach because the teachers on Sunday are the same people who visit in the homes. Love the Bible idea!
Cradle Roll is what we called the umbrella ministry for birth to 2 years and included a 20 minute Bible class with babies in a large u-shaped table with babies in bucket seats. Everything was taught with songs with accompanying manipulative.
Our library doesn't yet have a system in place to connect with parents but I'm interested in hearing about other members experience is with this. Please explain the Cradle Roll letter - I'm intrigued!
We put a new book in the library in honor of each new baby. We also put a plaque in the front of it with their name on it. We put the book on display. The children love finding "their book" on the shelf as they they get older.
Our church gives Bibles for the baby dedications so we are thinking of possibly giving a small devotional book for children. Sally Lloyd Jones is a favorite author so we will look into something she has written. Do you have a particular suggestion for a book?
One idea is to place a book in the library in honor of each baby born. Send a congratulatory letter to the family informing them about the book and allowing them to be the first to check it out. Include information about the what the library has to offer for children and parents and the importance of reading to children.
Back in the 40s through 80s, churches had a ministry called Cradle Roll. It was a ministry to expectant parents. They developed relationships with these parents before and after their babies were born. The Sunday School Board (now Lifeway) even had a full-time consultant for Cradle Roll with publications to give them ministry ideas. They visited in homes on a regular basis etc. The baby department was connected to Cradle Roll but not the same group of leaders/teachers. During the 80s churches changed so Cradle Roll slowly went away. Some churches may still have it. Perhaps there is a twist to this approach that a church library could support this ministry with a church's preschool ministry. Great way to inspire today's parents to read books to their babies.
This is my mother's cradle roll certificate. Over 100 years ago!
Our library gives each child a little 4×6" Bible with their name printed on the outside. Boys get light blue and girls get pink with gold printing. They Bibles are kept in the cradle roll classemroom snd we use them when we sing songs to teach about the Bible. This Bible is given to the parents when the child turns 2 and graduates out of Cradle Roll.
So your church conbined the Cradle Roll with the Baby Department. A lot of churches have done that which is a great approach because the teachers on Sunday are the same people who visit in the homes. Love the Bible idea!
Cradle Roll is what we called the umbrella ministry for birth to 2 years and included a 20 minute Bible class with babies in a large u-shaped table with babies in bucket seats. Everything was taught with songs with accompanying manipulative.
Our library doesn't yet have a system in place to connect with parents but I'm interested in hearing about other members experience is with this. Please explain the Cradle Roll letter - I'm intrigued!