Need some help with classification

David Platt's new book, Counter Culture is listed on dewey experimental site, and also in Concourse as 261.0973- cannot find out what it is- is not in newest edition of classification book by Eva Nell, nor can I find it on many of my go-to sites for classification help.   I am inclined to "round up" and put it in 261.1

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    • Thank you, Eva for responding.   That's what I did after Buford's reply.    I looked in the Abridged Dewey and the expanded 200 and got nowhere.   

  • You might be interested in Goodreads reviews:

    Scroll down to Community Reviews. Most reviews give 5 stars, but the first has only 2 stars.

    • Have you read his latest?  That 1st review is not encouraging.   Wish I'd read it first before I ordered it.  I do think that the Church as a whole is sitting, waiting for the Rapture or something.   World magazine had an article in which the persecuted Christians in the Middle East are wondering why we as a Church do not help them.   I think his stuff is meant to shake us out of our complacency, but I haven't read the book.

  • Don't perform math on dewey numbers!

    260 is listed as Christian social and ecclesiastical theology, which is a broad title applying to all 26x entries.

    261 Social theolory and interreligious relations and attitudes.

    After the Mr. Deweys decimal point the 09 comes from table 1 of standard subdivisions and indicates history, geographic treatment or biography.

    The 73 comes from table 2 geographic locations and indicates the United States.

    I'm guessing that you don't have a lot of entries for 261, so indicating the book's subject applies to the US is not needed. Stick with plain 261.

    The Library of Congress will frequently use the single quote to mark points to trim their (overblown) dewey numbers.

    Also, you will see lot of 092s, indicating biography.

    If you do an internet search for dewey numbers always include "dewey decimal".


    • I do have a lot of entries in that category, but most are just plain 261 or 261.?

      I will stick to 261 for this one.  

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