The books listed below were given to the Church Library as a Memorial for one of our members who passed away recently.
Our Librarian who does the cataloging is out sick and I need to catalog these right away.
I usually don't have any trouble cataloging but these books have me stumped. Can you help me with this ??
Thank You !
Janet Estridge.
1. A place of healing : Wrestling with the mysteries of suffering, pain, and God's sovereignty by Joni Eareckson Tada.
2. Kaleidoscope : Seeing God's wit and wisdom in a whole new light by
Patsy Clairmont.
3. Between a rock and a hard place : Divine surprises in the tight spots of life by Carol Kent.
4. Life in the balance : Biblical answers for the issues of the day by
Joni Eareckson Tada.
5. The edge of the Divine : Where possibilty meets God's faithfulness by
Sandi Patty.
I'm also grateful for this website for fellow Church Librarian's who are also our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Janet Estridge.
I wasn't sure what Dewey number to put on these books and thanks too for including the Subject matter.
Janet Estridge.