Ministry during Church Crises?

How does your church’s library minister to your church family during times of crises? My own church is dealing with an experience that has great potential to cause strife with in our fellowship. I’ve searched for books to add to the collection to help our people deal with what is going on. Interestingly, I am only finding books for pastors and church leaders on how to deal with the situation. Next to nothing for laypeople who are dealing with disappointment and grief over the loss of expectations. Would you share your recommendations for the collection and how your ministry supports your congregation during these times?

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  • I read Ann Graham Lotz's book "Why" during a stressful time. It helped me. Maybe that would help in this situation?

  • We  have a display rack and provide these mini books free to the congregation

    They are gospel-centered resources with very practical help - all designed to be read in about 30 minutes time.

    Nearly every week I provide a brief summary of one book.  We recently had a sucided - and several of these books dealt with the issue of depression and grieving.

    Minibooks Archives | Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
  • Even though Facts and Trends targets pastors and church staff personnel, I find all of their posts to be helpful and useful for our church library ministry. Amazing how this Q&A post just appeared in my inbox as I sent our email blast with this question about ministry during church crises.

    5 Necessities for Navigating Ministry Crises

    5 Necessities for Navigating Ministry Crises | Facts & Trends
    New in ministry, one church leader entered his role at a church that faced a terrible crisis. Here's what helped him navigate that challenge.
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