"Meet Southern Baptists!"

Morlee, In cleaning out our library work room, I came across a stack of the "Meet Southern Baptists!" flyer that was published by the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention in May 1995.  It gives an overview of basic beliefs of Southern Baptists and shows a time line of Baptist history, as well as missions activities and Southern Baptist entities and related organizastions.


Just wondering if this flyer is still in use or if something has been published to replace it.




Beth Maxwell

Temple Baptist Church

Newport News VA

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  • Here's the information you are requesting. These brochures are produced by the Convention Relations department of the Executive Committee. They are updated once a year or so.

    Actually, there are 2 brochures you may want to consider as follows:
    Meet Southern Baptists
    The SBC: A Closer Look

    These are 18 cents each.

    To order, call 866.722.5433 or email jlaroy@sbc.net.

    THANKS for asking! Glad to help!
  • Forgive me for being so slow to respond. Let me make a couple of phone calls and find out. Great question!
  • I still use it. It has been helpful for people coming from other denominations.

    Rita Kirkland
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