This is Marilyn Camper, FUMC Livingston Texas. We are working on our Policy & Procedures notebook for our library. Does anyone have a media review policy that they could share? thanks
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This is not a policy that addresses whether a media item is appropriate for a library collection, but in case it helps, I am sharing instructions I gave to writers of media reviews when I was a media review editor for a church publication:
We do have a Gift and Selection policy. But after getting burned several times by DVD's I thought were safe and clean, I made up my own based on Plugged In. Now, every movie unless it has stellar reviews from a number of sources, someone takes home the folder, and the movie, and fills it where anything untoward is found: ie, cussing, sex, violence, drugs/alcohol, etc., and what's good- Is the Gospel presented, is there spiritual growth in the protagonist, other characters. Mine is based largely on Plugged in, and I don't want to get into the trouble for plagerism so I cannot give it to you, but check Plugged in- they are very thorough. Also, check Amazon's top and bottom reviews.
I will be doing an email blast next week. I will include this request. I need it too!!