Hello all,

I used to be able to look up a dewey decimal number for my non fiction books by going to an oclc webpage but it has been discontinued as of Jan 1 of this year.  I moved to NM and am now the church librarian at my new church and don't know where to go to look up one by inputting a book title.  I was wondering how others handle this?  This library hasn't been updated in many years and am finding books that do not have the number on their publication page (as I call it) in the book.

Thank you,

Melanie McKenzie, Christ Church United Methodist in Albuquerque NM

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  • Thank you everyone!!!  I am getting ready to get back into working at the library.  Was sick and took time off to get myself back in the swing again and am ready to go.  Once again thank you everyone!!  God Bless all of you!


  • These sites are very helpful and would have been beneficial when we completely recataloged the church library! Thanks for supplying these.

  • Hi Melanie,

    One of the best sources for Christian titles at a secular library is MELcat (https://elibrary.mel.org/search~S15) which gives you a Dewey number. You can also find a title at WorldCat (https://search.worldcat.org/) though you would then need to go to one of the listed libraries to secure the DDN. If all else fails, you can also create the dewey yourself using an interactive chart like this one: (https://www.librarything.com/mds/2).

    God bless!

    MeLCat, the Michigan eLibrary Catalog and Resource Sharing System
  • In addition to the Library of Congress's online catalog, three consortia databases frequently supply bibliographic records with Dewey numbers for materials in my library's collection. All three of the databases also provide views of MARC records.

    • Prospector - https://prospector.coalliance.org/
      "A unified catalog of academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. Through Prospector you have access to 30 million books, journals, DVDs, CDs, videos and other materials held in these libraries."
    • OhioLINK - https://catalog.ohiolink.edu/iii/encore/?lang=eng
      Although this is an academic library database, I fairly frequently find bibliographic records with Dewey numbers here.
    • CongreGATE - https://cgate.epimetheus.scoolaid.net/bin/home
      This database includes combined catalog records from 15 faith-based libraries.

      Three of the direct links to individual library catalogs in CongreGATE need updating at present, but their holdings are included in the combined database. I am working on getting those links  corrected. If you visit the individual library catalogs you will see that while some are being frequently updated, some have not had new materials added recently. Unfortunately, as we know that is an all-too-frequent issue with volunteer positions when the person in charge of the library changes, or no one else takes on the responsibility.

    You are fortunate that your public library allows you access to their OCLC FirstSearch database. Is it being supplied on a statewide basis to libraries in Illinois? In the past I was able to access FirstSearch by purchasing an out-of-area public library card in one of three states which provided state-wide access to all libraries in those states. Over time each of those states has canceled their statewide contracts--or in one case ceased offering library cards to people who do not reside in their state. FirstSearch contracts are very expensive, and my state has never supplied a statewide contract, at least for public use. If any of you are aware of another library where I might be able to regain access through purchase of an out-of-state pubic library card, I would greatly appreciate the information.

    I still find the more limited OCLC's WorldCat.org database useful at times, but these days it is my last resort. Using it typically requires identifying a library which owns the title I'm looking for, and then going from WorldCat to that library's catalog to see (a) if they are assigning Dewey numbers or (b) if their catalog also displays a MARC record which includes a Dewey number in the 082 field.

    Pat Shufeldt
    Westminster Presbyterian Church Library
    Greenville, SC

  • I have used worldcat.org with a fair amount of success.  You put in a title and it tells you which libraries "near" you have the book.  I then select a public, not college library (they tend to use LOC and I need Dewey numbers) and go to their website (the link is right there).  Input the title into that library's catalog and see how they have catalogued it.  It does take a few steps but it doesn't take long and very often I find what I need.  

  • One of the places I go to is the Library of Congress website: https://www.loc.gov/search/?in=&q=&new=true

    I've also looked them up on Moody Bible's Library Catalog: https://i-share-mbi.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=...

    Your local library should be able to give you the link to their OCLC site. I use this all the time.

    Hope those help,


    Grace Library

    Morton, IL

    Search results from Available Online
    Search results 1 - 25 of 6201912.
    • Thanks for the LOC link!  I will definitely try that some time.


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