I several same title books that was left to the church because they were from a reading program that no longer exists. A federal funded program that no longer gets funds. These books were the unsold books leftover. They are books with stories about the people and events in this mountain area. They have some old recipies in the as well. They are very good reading for folks that like those kind of local color books. They also have pictures of this area and people earlier times.

I have listed some books on Ebay and Craig's List. Hoping to raise funds for our Library. Anyone else have ideas or suggestions as to how to move these books. The suggestions could come in handy for other books donated in this fashion. We  have authors in the area that write about their experinces and lives that have donated their unsold books here.

I would appreciate any help or suggestions. I have pictures so you can see what I am referring to.


more Stories worth telling.jpg

Stories neath the Roan1.jpg

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  • Nancy,

    If there is someone in the local community with a gift shop or cafe (especially one tourists come through) perhaps you could work out a consignment arrangement. Example, if the book sells for $5, they keep $2.50 and give you $2.50. Something is better than nothing, right?


    Do you have a community swap meet or holiday boutique? Perhaps you could have a table from your church with goodies and the books. You might get your women's fellowship or missions group to co-sponsor the rental fee and contribute goodies or handmade items.


    Have you tried the recipes? If you find an especially tasty one, you could make them, give out small samples or sell them (like whole cookies) and let folks know "The recipe for these cookies is in this book!" - they may want a copy then.


    If your local public library or high school library doesn't already have copies of the books, they might be interested in them for their local history section. In this case, it would be nice to offer them as a donation, and be good public relations as well. I would write a letter and ask if they would like a copy first.

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