
  • Hello, Laurie here from Jacobs Well Presbyterian Church in Green Bay. This is what I use and I really like it. We are big enough to worry about checking out by computer, but I wanted a good inventory. I have an inventory for: books, DVDs, CDs and one category called "to be reviewed". My pastor and church can access it, and so can I. The pastor then can also check "to be reviewed" for permission on adding new books/authors etc. We all can then also look up books or items in our collection by either author or title and tell patrons whether we have that book.

    It is free... that is great! And it is a lot better than no inventory. It is convenient (on my iPhone and iPad and the pastors have my password for entry.

    I think it is a great app.

  • I don't know much about it but I have heard someone talk about it who really likes using it.  

  • I am not familiar with "" but our library uses LibraryThing for our cataloging and checking in/out of books.  Here is a link you can click ( or if you prefer just Google LibraryThing .  After you have your library on LibraryThing you can pay a very reasonable annual fee for their TinyCat (here is a link to our church library ( This gives you such a nice avenue for your patrons to view from the comfort of their easy chair and 'see' what is available in the library.  We have had our LibraryThing account since 2013 and our TinyCat online going on two years now.  It truly has been a blessing for us.

    • How do you catalog and check out ebooks through LibraryThing and TinyCat? Where do you purchase your ebooks?

      • We don't purchase ebooks.  We don't think it's worth it but I do know lots of church libraries like them so maybe someone else can answer that question.

    • I'm looking for a cataloging system for our small library and I've looked at both of these.  What's the difference between Library Thing and TinyCat? 

      • Tiny Cat is a function available on LibraryThing.  It's a service you have to pay extra for, that gives you a lovely-looking page when people look up a book in your catalog.  So it's designed to be attractive and user-friendly for patrons.  We don't have it because we don't have a patron computer available in our library (our space is limited and we have bookcases wherever there is space) and we tend to think even if we did, very few people would use it.  So it's not worth the expense for us.

  • I am not very helpful as I am not familiar with "" and that was your question.  However, if you are looking for ease of use and very affordable (free) then consider  We have used it now since 2015 and have over 10,000 books scanned in and cataloged. It is an outstanding system, and for those needing to use something that is not difficult or expensive, we have found LibraryThing to be exceptional.  

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