Jackie Huffman is wondering about library groups.
I appreciate the opportunity to read ideas on this site. My library ministry is re-energized with new ideas! How many church librarian groups are still meeting in person? I appreciate the Pacific Northwest Association that meets annually (more often in the smaller chapters).
Checkout our CLN Events page for in-person events this Fall. You will find events in Texas, Virginia, Illinois, and North Alabama. I also know of one planned during the Spring in central Alabama. Any others?
Hi Jackie, The South Puget Sound Chapter of PNACL met in person all of last year and will continue to do so this year - with six meetings scheduled. My three book discussion groups have been meeting in person as well, but with an option to join with Zoom if someone feels uncomfortable face-to-face. My library team at church has only three members so we are comfortable meeting for our work day in person. Dee