Library Conferences

Have you all gone to your state library conferences yet? We had our TBC conference in Cleveland last week. It was GREAT! We came back to our church's ministry with quite a few new ideas. My workers have come in this week saying, "Another church does this . . . have we thought about trying it?" They had excellent suggestions. We decided this year's fellowship was the best one we have attended.

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  • The staff and ministry teams put a lot of effort into these conferences. Many hours of hard work go on behind the scenes. It costs many people their time and also their money to make these events worth while. That is why I always feel so sad when only a few show up. I always ask myself, 'If I were not training, would I attend this event?" That is how I work to make myself want to come. I have to say that conventions will pull support when the numbers are not there. Today money is becoming more and more scarce for libraries to fund training events. If we don't take advantage of them they will become a thing of the past. I'm glad you had a good convention, but most of all I'm glad you see the importance of this special training and networking.; Keep attending for a rocking good time and tons of good learning.
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