
Hello. I am new here and to running a church library. I am the children's minister and have just taken over the volunteer position of running the library and in return I get my own office. We have a very nice library that I do not believe is used very much.  Currently it is self serve and works by people filling out a library card and leaving it in the basket when they check out the books. Everything is written by hand and I believe the current processing system takes a while to find all of the information. I would at least like to put our catalog on the computer. Money is an issue.  I would love to have something that i can type in the ISBN and get the information I need. I was looking at libib and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this and had any insight or tips or even just any tips to help me get started. Our previous librarian's life has become overwhelming and I believe I have several books that need ot be processed.

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  • I took over our church library this past year and have been using LibraryThing. It is an online website used by many small church libraries and has a $25 lifetime membership if you add over 200 books. It works just like you mentioned, type in the ISBN and a picture and basic information comes up and you can add subject tags and other information and you can also export the information as an Excel file.

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