My goal this summer is to get our library (at least the nonfiction) cataloged in some way that we can give our congregation access to it via the church website. We don't necessarily want it interactive at this point (a static record would be fine), just something that they can look up titles, subjects, or authors on, and that we can do the same from our library laptop. We'd also like to be able to add our own patron reviews.


Eventually we'd like to automate our circulation as well, but that can wait for the time being. It could even be two different systems, since our collection is small and we are very limited in adding more (physical) books, DVDs, etc. due to space issues.


Is it possible to do this (catalog collection & get online) with password protection from the website (i.e. they'd need to be registered with us to view the catalog) for under $500 or that plus automated circ for under $1000? Does anyone have practical experience with such a program?





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  • Been using librarything ever since it was created. It's great and flexible enough for our use. We have it posted on the church website so it can be accessed by anyone from their home. Sure has increased circulation...
    • The Librarything is new to me. Would you post the URL so I could examine your catalog?
  • I posted a separate message file for this but it slipped below the "radar" so I thought I'd try it here. If you don't already have an automation program, take a look at this one. If you use this one, please let me know what you think of it. Thanks!

    Does anyone else currently use this software? It is a very extensive program for the cost.

  • We purchased the WebOPAC module with our Concourse software. It provides a very easy to use and comprehensive catalog with searches by author, title, keyword, and/or subject. I don't have any problem with the catalog being available to anyone accessing the church's website. Here's the link: Gene
    • Thanks for sharing Gene, it was interesting "surfing" through your catalog holdings. I've never come across the term mediagraphy before. If I understand this correctly it is to create a printable list - is that accurate?

      Does the WebOPAC provide a way to require a password for the catalog access if desired?
      • Yes, that's how the Mediagraphy works...When searching for items, the user can check the box on the left, add the item to the Mediagraphy, do additional searches, then finally print the selected lists. I find this very useful when doing research on a particular topic.
        • So this is basically what we "old timers" would call a bibliography! But of course, not limited to just books any more! Great feature!
  • Does anyone use the program advertised here on the site, Our Library

    I'm pretty intrigued, but it would be great to hear from someone who already uses it.
    We use Concourse, and it complements Concourse, which is a bonus from my perspective.
    • OK, I see I'm about 3 years late to this discussion, but no one answered Deanna's question at the time. So here goes...  [WARNING: The company I work for sells OurLibraryOnline, so I might have a bias.]

      My church,  Wedgwood Baptist (link to library and catalog), uses OurLibaryOnline for our collection of just under 10,000 items.

      We use PC Card Catalog for our automation and OurLibraryOnline integrates very handily with it. The OurLibraryOnline screen is sparse, but the search capability is as handly as any I've seen. It REALLY inexpensive and works with other popular church library software.

  • I have begun to add my library collection on a website called "" for as little as $25 you get a lifetime membership, I have put a link on our church's web/library page so if patrons want to see what we have they are able to. As I process new items I am also adding them to the web site and as I have time I am adding media by shelf to get our collection on line. I found this do be a cost effective though time consuming alternative to what my library program supply would charge. Feel free to check out this link. You may have to copy and paste.
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