When attempting to import MARC records to Concourse today I noticed that our setting got messed up. The "Add to Concourse" option in the menu i ghosted out and now "Add to Atrium" shows up. We do not have Atrium. I have no idea how it got changed and cannot figure out how to reset this to Concourse (yes, I checked the user guide). Can anyone tell me how to reset this?

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  • I went in this afternoon and did that, and It worked. Then it happened again! So I restarted the pc and it worked again. Hopefully it's cured, now. Thanks
    • Hopefully! 

      Another thought I just had probably has nothing to do with your situation, but occasionally a little maintenance needs to be done.  Rebuilding the indexes and files helps everything to stay where it belongs!  If you don't know how to do that, look in the help topics and search for "rebuild indexes." 

      I hope that your original problem stays cured!

  • My first "guess" would be to try closing Concourse and reopening or shut down the computer and restart and reopen Concourse.  Sometimes things just get a little mixed up!  If that doesn't work, call Book Systems!  Sorry!

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