Getting around on the Church Librarians site

I still feel that I don't know my way around on this site. Guess I'm too anti-social for social networking.

1. I see postings asking questions of general interest on the groups pages. Where should a general question or comments be posted? Can a non-member of a group reply to postings within a group?

2. Tell me about Blogs. How do I view them? I can't seem to find any blog postings.

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  • Hi Buford!

    Great questions! Glad to help!

    1. We have the same tabs on the group pages as on the main page. The Groups have the
    Q&A capability. Questions for the groups only go on the group pages but questions for all of CLN goes on the main Q&A. But some members of CLN are choosing to ask their questions to their group only. That may be intentional or it just may be they don't know the difference. It is okay to post questions for groups or for the whole CLN. All of us will see the questions wherever they are on the left side of the screen under Latest Activity. We can all go to the group page to see the interaction unless the group leader set it up so that only group members can go to the group page. Looks like most can be seen by everyone.

    2. The Q&A is a forum format. The Circle is a blog format. I changed the names to make it more interesting. I encourage CLN members to share their thoughts on The Circle as well as the books they are reading and what is going on in their libraries. The NING system will only let me have one forum site and one blog site unless I pay a monthly fee. The only funding for the CLN is coming from our members clicking through the CLN to purchase titles through CBD and Amazon as well as when they click through the Google Search on the main page. So far no one has done any of that.

    Buford, thank you for your great questions. Let me know of others you may have.
    • I will tell you how I go galavanting around on this site to see what is going on. I just start with my own tab, and see if I have any messages, or if I want to tell something for publication, and then I just click on every tab that i am interested in, such as Questions and Answers, and the Circle, and read everything and if I want to comment, I do. You can look through the members and see if the ones you have recommended are listed there, and if so, click on their membership page and talk to them through the system. i enjoy this site, and I have scads of friends here that I know from all my storytelling years with them. I love hearing from them, seeing what they are up to, and just like I am doing now, making a new friend. You can email me on my email, and we can carry this on. You will find that there are no friends in the world like your church library friends. they know where you are coming from, they have walked a mile in your shoes and they are filled with great ideas to share. Now, I am just plain Mackie to everyone, and that includes you. "Mackie" is the nickname for Maxine. Everyone calls me Mackie and I love it. i am now 91 years of age! Still going strong!
      • Great to hear from you, Mackie! You have perfectly captured the heart and intent of the CLN. Love you!
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