Our local library has a quarterly book sale. There are some tremendous buys there at maybe 50cents or $1.00. The last day of the book sale you can fill up a grocery bag with books, CD's and DVD's and pay $2.00. So check your local library for their sales. Also I have found in some used books stores some excellent resources for the library. In both these instances, you must be very selective in the item. There should be no yellowed pages, no markings, current in content. The book should be one that you would be pleased to have in your Christian library.
Another source is Amazon.com in their used book section. Sometimes you need to know the titile and author you are looking for, but buying the item new is expensive. Finding them used and in good condition is great. Ususally the seller will specify the condition of the book when it is posted online. Look at the reviews of that seller to know if they are creditable. But I have found in only one instance that those that post with Amazon.com with their used books are quite reliable.
God Bless You as you strive to build your library! Looking for good, useable books for your church library is like going on a treasure hunt! It is so rewarding to come up with something that you can use and that God is providing!
Thanks for replying to my question. We have a lot of public libraries in this area who have book sales, I just wish I had the time to go to all of them.
We have several excellent used book stores in town also. I wasn't aware that Amazon had a used book section. I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Looking for books is like looking for a buried treasure especially if they are on sale.
Dear Ann,
Thanks for the very good suggestions. I would love to do book reviews but my life is very hectic right now, maybe after the first of the year.
Sorry for the delay in getting back with you.
Thanks again!
Janet Estridge.
Our local library has a quarterly book sale. There are some tremendous buys there at maybe 50cents or $1.00. The last day of the book sale you can fill up a grocery bag with books, CD's and DVD's and pay $2.00. So check your local library for their sales. Also I have found in some used books stores some excellent resources for the library. In both these instances, you must be very selective in the item. There should be no yellowed pages, no markings, current in content. The book should be one that you would be pleased to have in your Christian library.
Another source is Amazon.com in their used book section. Sometimes you need to know the titile and author you are looking for, but buying the item new is expensive. Finding them used and in good condition is great. Ususally the seller will specify the condition of the book when it is posted online. Look at the reviews of that seller to know if they are creditable. But I have found in only one instance that those that post with Amazon.com with their used books are quite reliable.
God Bless You as you strive to build your library! Looking for good, useable books for your church library is like going on a treasure hunt! It is so rewarding to come up with something that you can use and that God is providing!
Dear Annie,
Thanks for replying to my question. We have a lot of public libraries in this area who have book sales, I just wish I had the time to go to all of them.
We have several excellent used book stores in town also. I wasn't aware that Amazon had a used book section. I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Looking for books is like looking for a buried treasure especially if they are on sale.
Thanks again !