Fantasy and Futuristic Fiction

Tim Wilson asks the following question.

After a tornado severely damaged our church, we're finally recovering and I'm trying to get my library restocked and reopened. I occasionally have requests for fantasy and futuristic type fiction.  I'm having a problem weeding through all that's out there in this genre. Anybody got any hints, shortcuts, etc to help me? 

Tim Wilson

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  • I just read Mark of the Raven because I’d heard great reviews on YouTube. I thought it was a good book and I’m not a big fantasy reader. It's a 2018 YA novel from Bethany House.

  • see many of the names I was thinking have been shared Ted Dekker and his daughter have written a couple for middle readers Do'nt remember author but bought Wolf Soilder for one of my grandsons I am qaiting for the last book of the True Lies of Rembrant Stone by David Jame Warren

  • R. J. Larson is very good. Her books aren't easy to locate but I enjoyed them. Titles are Prophet, Judge, and King.

  • Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, and so I tend to read those for our library than many others. Authors that we have found to be well received:  Bryan Davis (YA) Dragon books, L. B Graham, Christa Kinde, Steven James, Austin Boyd, Sigmund Brouwer, Angela Hunt, Stephen Lawhead (excellent writing, some language in later books), Andrew Klavan (excellent writer, again some language in some books. Mindwar trilogy is clean) Krista McGee (YA), Donita Paul, Thomas Locke, Brock Eastman.  

    There are others, but these are the ones with the best responses in our library. I hope this helps. 

  • My grandson introduced me to the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson. i have read them all 4 or 5 books. They are fantasy and strange things, each book makes you want to read the next one to see what happens!!

    We have a lot of duplicate fiction that we would love to share with you. They are like brand new. they were given to us, but we don't have room for two copies of each book.

    Where are you located? 

    Joy Cryer

    Tallowood Librarian


    • I can second The Wingfeather Saga. My husband and kids have been LOVING them. Andrew Peterson is just a great all-around creative person: songwriter, singer, homeschool dad, lover of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, and founder of The Rabbit Room ( - a great space for any creative Christian to get inspired and plugged in to a creative Christian community. On that note, don't forget classic Christian fantasy: Lewis (more than just Narnia), George McDonald, Tolkien...

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