Posted by Bev Colquett on September 13, 2009 at 17:30
Our library has sponsored a book club for about 5 years. We meet once a month in the church library and primarily read christian fiction.As the church librarian, I pick a book and find someone to lead the discussion. I sometimes struggle to find good books and would like to exchange reading lists if there are other clubs out there.We usually serve simple refreshments like coffee/cookies but I am interested in hearing ideas for food tie-ins to books read or any thing in general that enhances the book club.
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Yes. We have one that meets all year long - the second Monday of each month. During the summer we meet every Monday. The reason we do that is so that some of our people who teach can have a time to be in the club and enjoy the fellowship. We love it and your people will too.
Would you share your list of books that you have read with me? Also, do you try to do anything extra like decorate based on book theme or have food that carries out the book theme?
Rita Kirkland