I have been told that the location of our church library is in a prime location. Church leaders would like to use the space for a welcome center. It has been suggested that we establish satellite libraries in different areas of our church, i.e. preschool, childrens, teens and adults. I would appreciate any imput? Deborah Beck
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It also sounds more expensive for the church. Not sure how family-friendly it would be to have to go several different places to experience the Library on Sundays and Wednesdays or whenever? We had a children's library in two of the churches I have served. Did give us more space in the long run by caused other problems. Have to duplicate computers, etc. Bottomline is your church leadership wants a welcome center. I suggest you walk the building and find another space for the library that would still give you a visible location. Be proactive in finding that location. I'm praying for you and your team!
I agree that one location is better than several. I pray that you will find an ideal room. Have you ever moved a library? Now that is a question for Q&A, for sure. You will need all the suggestions you can get, and then some! This is quite a chore! One good thing about it, it will help you to weed! Lots of luck! Be thankful that they are giving you the option of relocating! mackie
Deborah Beck > Maxine Johnson Bersch LovernJuly 23, 2010 18:44
I am thankful that we are involved in the decision making process. Right now, money is an issue. When the time comes, I'll have lots of questions about moving : ). Deborah
Doesn't work. We tried that here at our church and ended up placing everything back together. What a mess. I know that we are to be in obedience to those who are in authority over us. And, I am. I just know that they don't understand libraries and the way we work. If that is the only way they will let you have a library then I guess you have no alternative but to try it. You will need multiple staff, multiple check-out computers and card catalogs - if you are open during the week. Of course if you don't circulate very many items and are only open on Sunday then you can probably work this out. Since you are in prime position, you should be there because the Word is our prime objective - getting the materials to people about God and His Word, the very core of our ministry. A welcome center could go to the side. Like a circulation desk rather than an entire space. What about in front of the library area? I will pray for you Deborah and ask God to lead the leaders to His Will. Rita Kirkland