
  • Jenn, since you use 'PC Card Catalog,' you can use the "Bound-with" entry as Sandra suggested. [On the New- or Alter Item screen, click the "Added Entry" button, then select the "Bound-with" tab.]

    Another possibility is to add each Study Title as a "Title Analytic" to the Main Title, especially if all three are different. In the search catalog, the Studies can be found by their titles but will point to the Main Title, the one you find on the shelf. [The "Title Analytic" tab is under the "Added Entry" button as above.]  

    Also, remember to create a Series and attach each Main Title of the set to that Series. Your folks will be able to find any of the studies by Series, by Book Title, by Study Title, by Author(s) and by Subjects. They can't miss!

  • That's what I would do.  You classify by the first title, and then use the tracings so it can be found.

  • Jean, do you have the Church Library Ministry Information Service published by Broadman & HolmanIf you do, please look on page 66 in the section on Classification & Cataloging.  This page explains how to catalog "Bound-withs" -- two or more works with separate titles, but bound together in the same book.  As a general rule, the call number is based on the first title in the book and subject headings will be needed for each book.  If you are using an automated system, you should be able to add the title of each in "title analytics" so that a search would generate both titles.

    On page 59 of the same library guide are instructions for cataloging a book which contains more than one subject in the same discipline or topic area.  There are several guidelines to follow in that instance. 

    Please let us know what you decide to do! 


  • Do you mean you have two separate titles in one volume? Or the one study covers two topics?

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