Classifying missionary biographies

This may be a silly question, but I am wondering how you decide what biographies should be classified under 266.092 for missionaries or with the call letter B for all other biographies (except for Bible biographies).  If it is clear the person is a missionary sent by a church or organization to share the Gospel, then I put it under missionary biographies.  My question is, what constitutes a missionary?  Does it have to be a person sent by an organization?  Or is it anyone who spends much effort and time sharing the Gospel with the lost, whether it be in the city they live, in this country, or in a foreign country?  For instance, would I classify the book "The Heavenly Man", a biography of Brother Yun, under regular biographies, even though he shared the Gospel with many lost Chinese people, enduring imprisonment and torture for his stand for Christianity? 


Anyone have any guidelines for classifying books as Missionary Biographies?


I thank you for your help.


Sheila Sage

Crosspoint Church

Hutchinson, Kansas


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  • Just wanted to thank the original poster and the reply, as I'm considering this same question. 

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    • Again, thank you so much for this clarification of missionary biographies. This week I plan to start in on our biographies and to sort thru and relabel as needed. Many spine labels are quite faded.

    • Thank you, Eva Nell.  That makes perfect sense. 

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