What is the protocol for classifying a 4+ volume set of a Bible translation? 

It's The Interlinear Bible by Jay P. Green in  4 volumes: 1 vol. of Greek, and 3 of Hebrew.   Keep them together as a set or split them up?  OCLC says 220.44 BIB (Int?) for version.


Is there a general rule for classifying a set of something- just got a whole lot of reference books in.



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  • For the interlinear Bible see http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/ClassifyDemo?owi=2286677982

    and choose one of the call numbers. I like 220.4

    I'd enter (using Concourse) the first volume and the other three as copies of the first, adding Vol. 1, etc to the call numbers.  For Bibles, I enter whatever title appears on the title page for the title and then enter Bible. as the uniform title.

    For the sets I suggest using your judgement: one main entry or each volume classified by the book of the Bible.

    I consider myself as an old library volunteer but not an expert one.  Check other opinions.

    OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service
    Classify is an OCLC Research prototype that helps you classify books, magazines, movies, and music using the Dewey Decimal Classification system or t…
    • Experience is a good teacher.   I'm waiting for Eva Nell to chime in if she's available.   What I thought I would do is 220.4 BIB INT V.1 etc.

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