Classification, Again

Okay, everyone I feel very good.  I have gone back and reclassified missionaries from biographies to the 266 area.

Now working on books that are in the 269 area.  Specifically I have one on Oswald Chambers.  On the bottom part of the spinal label, do I use the authors last name or Chambers?  Just a little clarification on that, please.

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  • Dewey 269 covers the subject spiritual renewal, so I wouldn't think that there would be very much biography in this volume. If the volume is indeed a biography of Chambers, the class should be changed to biography (B). The purpose of using the biographee instead of the author on the spine is to put all volumes for a given person together on the shelf. If personal  information that might be of interest is in a volume that is not classed as biography, it is ok to add a subject entry for the person.

    I'm not a skilled classifier, so I hope that one of our experts will give a more authoritative reply. Posting the author/title might be helpful.

    • That is correct.    Only biographies, and mission biographies have the last name of the person that it is about on the spine.   It would be the book title plus the first three letters of last name of author.  I usually cap the entire three letters - easier to see- don't know where i got that- maybe from classification info from Eva Nell Hunter.

      Suppose I had a book by Chuck Swindoll in 248.4  (Christian living).  It would be

      Simple Faith (title)

      SWI (author)

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