I want to start classifying missionaries under 266.092 instead of biographies. Two questions. . .1) what letters do I use--the author's or the missionary"s (as in biographies), 2) should I go back and reclassify other missionary books already in biographies and move them to the 266.092?
Quite helpful! I was just about ready to post the same question --- Thank you for asking the question and the detailed replies!
When you have a collective biography, check your electronic record for that book to make sure that the names of all the biographees (those who are the subject of the stories) are listed somewhere in the record, so if someone looks up any of their names individually, they will find the collective biography item.
As in the regular biography area, you will want to use the first three letters of the last name of the missionary in order to keep all books about that person or family together on the shelves.
To be consistent with the processing in the library, it would be good to reclassify the other biographies of missionaries.
Here is an easy way to do this if you use Concourse. Generate a report of just the existing missionary biographies, --(hopefully by a filter using in the subject field having to do with missionary biography). When the report is generated, go down the list of items and use the "Ctrl" key + left mouse click to go directly to that data entry record. Change what needs to be changed (change "B" to "266.092") and save. If that one call number field is all you need to change, you can use the shortcut "Ctrl + N" to enter that number in the same field in every record. Don't forget to save! Then print new call number labels (& title labels if you need them). (While in the record, place a check mark in the "Labels" box under the yellow Other tab on the creating new items screen, so that you will not get the message that this item has already been printed! )