
  • My take on this, although a bit late . . . 

    When looking it up on, the subject listing includes "upside-down book" and "children's poetry".

    Decimal number for poetry is . . . 

    • 808.81 Collections of poetry

    IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES infant thru 7 year old (Children's Collection), then in our library I would most likely place it in our section of "Poetry & Prayers", with the call number "C P New". 

     Others may choose to use the call number "C  808.81 New" . 

    IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 8 - 12 years (Junior Collection), then our call number would be "J 808.81 New".

    OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service
    Classify is an OCLC Research prototype that helps you classify books, magazines, movies, and music using the Dewey Decimal Classification system or t…
  • For picture books, we use the designation JE (my public library uses it; I think it means Juvenile Easy, or something like that). 

    If you are putting it in the elementary kids' area, I'd probably use J FIC, which is how we designate kids' fiction.

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