When looking it up on worldcat.org, the subject listing includes "upside-down book" and "children's poetry".
Decimal number for poetry is . . .
808.81 Collections of poetry
IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES infant thru 7 year old (Children's Collection), then in our library I would most likely place it in our section of "Poetry & Prayers", with the call number "C P New".
Others may choose to use the call number "C 808.81 New" .
IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 8 - 12 years (Junior Collection), then our call number would be "J 808.81 New".
OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service
Classify is an OCLC Research prototype that helps you classify books, magazines, movies, and music using the Dewey Decimal Classification system or t…
My take on this, although a bit late . . .
When looking it up on worldcat.org, the subject listing includes "upside-down book" and "children's poetry".
Decimal number for poetry is . . .
IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES infant thru 7 year old (Children's Collection), then in our library I would most likely place it in our section of "Poetry & Prayers", with the call number "C P New".
Others may choose to use the call number "C 808.81 New" .
IF APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 8 - 12 years (Junior Collection), then our call number would be "J 808.81 New".
For picture books, we use the designation JE (my public library uses it; I think it means Juvenile Easy, or something like that).
If you are putting it in the elementary kids' area, I'd probably use J FIC, which is how we designate kids' fiction.