We have been using signupgenius.com for many years and that works very well. I remove and add dates as necessary. I used to assign people to specific days but they were frequently assigned other duties that day or would be out of town. I have found it works best if people sign up for days that work best for them. I send out a reminder whenever there are gaps in the schedule. I am always the back up in case no one signs up. It is nice that the sign up is live so volunteers can check and fill in a vacancy at any time.
We have been using signupgenius.com for many years and that works very well. I remove and add dates as necessary. I used to assign people to specific days but they were frequently assigned other duties that day or would be out of town. I have found it works best if people sign up for days that work best for them. I send out a reminder whenever there are gaps in the schedule. I am always the back up in case no one signs up. It is nice that the sign up is live so volunteers can check and fill in a vacancy at any time.![12201699284?profile=RESIZE_930x](https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/12201699284?profile=RESIZE_930x)