
  • Crievewood is hosting a summer reading program with a camping theme. Children will have a book log and get a sticker for each book. We will have a celebration at the end of the 6 weeks a recognize participants and award prizes for various distinctions (longest book, largest book, book about the furthest away place, etc.)

  • Our Winter-Spring reading group has been a big success for our participants. We call it a reading group becuase we are communicating with our church family that we are doing something different than the senior adult book clubs. This Wednesday is the last session which we really don't want to see end. We want to continue! So we are taking a short break.

    So on June 22 after VBS, we are starting new groups on Wednesday evenings for 5 weeks. Hope to have a men's group and a women's group. The only other activity on Wednesday evenings is a study of the parables for adults. While they study biblical parables, we are going to be reading today's parables, Christian fiction.

    Each person will select a book to read. When we meet each week, each of us will share what God revealed to us through the story line about Himself. We are also going to give the option to read non-fiction since there are people who prefer non-fiction in our church family. We are targeting all 5 adult generations in our church so that this can be an intergenerational experience which is unusual in our groups in our church.

    I am also partnering with a college student. She is going to invite her friends while I invite my friends to be in the groups. We are finding personal invitations are more successful than mass promotion through the church communication channels. Others in our current group will be inviting their friends. So we'll seehow this goes! Pray for us.

    • What a fun idea!  I think our Church Singles Book Club is doing something similar. They call it BYOB Club (Bring your Own Book).

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