We are writing a history of our library. I've read that our library was once awarded the Church Library Achievement Recognition Advanced. Does anyone know what that was?
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Several years ago there was an Achievement Guide with either two or three different levels of achievement. Each level had 15 or so actions from which about 12 could be chosen and attained in order to reach that level of achievement. The basic level had actions such as the library "staff" consists of at least three people with additional workers for a certain number of church members or the library is open when church services are held, plus others which would give the library team goals to shoot toward! Your Church Library Ministry was hard at work to have attained Advanced recognition! Congratulations on that and on working to keep a history of your library ministry as you continue to minister through the church library!
Thanks Sandra, There have always been people in our church who knew the value of having media in our library to help our congregation to grow spiritually. And our first librarian, Edna Taylor, who set up our library was educated in the library science so it was set up correctly. That made it easier for us that followed to continue the ministry.